Hypnotic Light Dance Sunlight, Song, Wind on Water Beauty fills my Heart. ~ Dahlia Haiku

Hypnotic Light Dance
Sunlight, Song, Wind on Water

Beauty fills my Heart.

~ Dahlia Haiku

Dahlia Bartz Cabe

Sacred Singer and songwriter, meditation counselor

 certified leader of the Dances of universal peace

Soil Advocate, nature lover, and sufi soul


Welcome to Dragonfly Moon Meditation. I'm so glad you're here.

Please use my site as a resource to reconnect with the joy and beauty in your life, to remember and to manifest your ancient inner wisdom, and to strengthen your sense of community with people who share in the ONE great heart.

Together we can do what we cannot do alone.

I offer Meditation Counseling designed to suit your personal needs and life situation, Dances of Universal Peace that promote harmony, love and peace on earth, and Sacred Song events and recordings to lift your heart and to nourish your being.

I am a ‘Kiss the Ground’ Soil Advocate. Check out my ‘Soil Advocacy’ page for resources to regenerate yourself and to regenerate the Earth.

What are you interested in? Sign my guest book —let me know your interests—and receive my newsletter for upcoming events and offerings. I'd love to hear from you and
to see you at one of my events!

Much Love, Dahlia

Samhain ~ The thinning of the veils

Nature Meditation and Sacred Chant on Zoom

Join me to celebrate the ending of the harvest season and the slow slide into winter

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024; 7 - 8 pm EDT

email me for the zoom link: dahlia@dragonfly-moon.com

Dances of Universal Peace

I am a Certified leader of The Dances of Universal Peace. The Dances are simple, meditative circle dances that use sacred phrases, chants, music, and movements from the many spiritual traditions of the world to touch our spiritual essence. They are a profound and joyous form of spiritual practice that promote love, harmony and beauty worldwide. 

Dancing and playing music in a circle of the Dances of Universal Peace is my very favorite form of spiritual practice. 

Meditation Counseling

Have you always wanted to meditate but don't know where to start? Do you know that meditation is good for you but you struggle with maintaining a regular practice? Have you meditated for years and seem to have hit a wall? I address all of these issues and more.

I work with various forms of breathing awareness, alternative psychology, emotional release, therapeutic touch, yoga and sacred mantra.

Together we will find and fine-tune the meditation practice that works for you.


Call me: 845.863.4061


I love composing sacred song that combines the many languages of the world into a cohesive expression of unity and common yearning.  I share my gift of music and song through my recordings and at various events each month.

Come—lift your own voice, find your own prayer, claim the joy and power within you and contribute a song of gratitude, hope and praise to our beautiful and troubled world.

I also create sacred ceremony for private occasions and events.