~ Nature Meditation and Sacred Chant ~
Monthly Nature meditation and Sacred chant via Zoom
Wednesday February 19,2025
7 - 8 pm EDT
The great Sufi master, Hazrat Inayat Khan, offered us a great wealth of beautiful nature meditations using the ebb and flow of breath to remind us of our integral part in the “Sacred Manuscript of Naure”.
Please join me for these healing breath meditation practices, silent sitting, and sacred chant. Together we’ll recognize, honor, and experience our inter-connection with all life, with the cycle of turning and returning seasons, and with the eternally present and ever-changing cosmos.
We’ll use these practices to blend our hearts, minds, and voices with our intention to foster peace, love, harmony and beauty within ourselves, with each other and in the world.
Read my blog post on why I love chanting AUM.
Next Nature Meditation/Chant:
Wednesday March 19, 2025
Email me if you are interested:
The Zoom room will open at 6:55 with some chanting to help us all settle in ~ Meditation will begin at 7pm
Each month we will follow the same simple format with variations appropriate to the changing earth cycles:
~ Elemental Healing Breaths of Hazrat Inayat Khan
~ Nature Meditations/Chakra Clearing
~ Breathing practices
~ Silent Sitting and Sacred Song.
Due to the Zoom format, everyone will be muted except for me. At the end of our hour together, there will be space for you to share if you want to.
All are welcome; no experience in meditation or chanting is necessary.
I do not post the zoom link on social media or public forums. Please email me to receive the direct email and zoom link: dahlia@dragonfly-moon.com
Note: If this is your first time using Zoom allow a few minutes to download the software to your device.
There is no charge for this event, however, please consider donating to a local charity to support those in need. Click here to donate $10 to benefit The Food Bank of the Hudson Valley.